The sustainable development scenario is promising in 2023 – may it be fully realized!

by Erasmo Carlos Battistella

I am an optimist by nature and an entrepreneur by vocation. I always want to achieve and contribute to society and invest in sustainable development, with the fundamental support of my entire team and generating growth opportunities for everyone. This is my trajectory and this is the legacy I intend to leave for future generations.

The year that is coming to an end presented many challenges for the sector, but I never stopped believing in the opportunities that we have to support the construction of a better country.

The development of the role of biofuels in the international decarbonization process is totally related to the mobilization of governments, international organizations and many sectors that need to accelerate the energy transition in their businesses.

In this way, I am hopeful for the year 2023 and the resumption of commitments with the National Biofuel Policy (RenovaBio). And with the return of the biodiesel mixture as provided for by law.

A quick reading of the Final Report of the Government Transition Cabinet offers a picture of the current scenario and brings some very important indicators for our sector, for the growth of the green economy and the generation of green jobs.

In the area of Mines and Energy, the document highlights that “openness measures and the constant changes in policies in the sector generated a series of distortions”, which reduced the predictability in relation to decarbonization actions. “This is the case of the RenovaBio programs and the percentage of blending biofuels, whose goals and objectives were frequently changed”.

Another risk pointed out by the sector is that “Renovabio continues to reduce its decarbonization targets and there is a forecast of greater openness in the biofuels sector, which could further weaken the Brazilian industry”.

The new government signals the need for measures to rebuild public policies and, among them, the biofuel sector – “all of which are of great importance for the resumption of sustainable development in the country”.

I have highlighted over the recent period the importance of recreating the Ministry of Development, Industry and Commerce (MDIC). Among the challenges faced by the vice-president and minister of that portfolio, Geraldo Alckimin, is Brazil’s insertion abroad, in order to boost technological innovation, increase productivity and competitiveness, and promote a green and clean economy.

In Environment, the report recognizes that Brazil has lost its protagonism in the international agenda. “We need to regain a privileged seat and credibility in the global discussion on socio-environmental issues”.

“The transition to a low-carbon economy is seen as a competitive advantage for the country, which is able to generate businesses, products and services with lower carbon emissions, in addition to offering solutions for the needs of mitigating and adapting to climate change. Our challenge is … the country’s reunion with its future as an environmental power”.

In March of this year, our company published the BSBIOS Sustainability Manifesto, which defines the strategy aligned with our strategic planning. Renewable energy and agribusiness are the company’s frontlines and we have grown our international advance with production in Switzerland and the Omega Green project in Paraguay for advanced biofuels – including SAF biokerosene, essential for decarbonizing the airline industry.

Together with entities representing the biofuel sector in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay and Uruguay, we launched the Manifesto in Defense of Biofuels. We express the firm conviction that it is essential that all governments promote the energy transition strategy for the development of the sector, both for vehicular transport, as well as for air, river and maritime transport.

South America has fundamental resources to be a world leader in the production of clean and renewable energy, helping to reduce dependence on fossil energy to drive the economy, providing energy and food security. We have advanced this year, but we can advance even further.

The scenario is promising, we just need it to be fully realized.

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1 comment

José Araújo Koff 25 de December de 2022 - 11:53

Erasmo. Tenho nestes últimos 15 anos acompanhado sua trajetória de sucesso baseada em um grande trabalho para tornar o biocombustível em um segmento de energia limpa que ajuda a alavancar o desenvolvimento do país. Parabéns pelo teu empenho incansável. Abraços


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