While we are frozen in Brazil in a mixture of 10% biodiesel (B10) with fossil diesel (when it should be B14 now and B15 from March), the United States is starting from a B20 level already agreed with looking at B30 mixtures , B50 and even B100 to meet decarbonization commitments.
Not to mention the production of green diesel (HVO) and sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) already regulated and in full progress in that country. Here we do not have legislation that gives us security to invest in advanced biofuels.
In South America, we are not advancing in a common direction for the production of biofuels, whereas in North America, the theme of the Clean Fuels Conference, held from January 23 to 26, 2023 in Tampa, Florida, was precisely “Unidos com um só” (United as One, in free translation).
I was there and lived this experience because BSBIOS is associated with the organization of the event and one of its main sponsors.
Donnel Rehagen, CEO of Clean Fuels Alliance America, highlighted that they are “more united now than ever, all working towards a cleaner tomorrow and that means great opportunities for clean fuels, for the environment, for jobs and for safety. energetic”.
Expansion of the use of biofuels in the US
The challenge in the United States is to meet a target of 22.7 billion liters of biodiesel and advanced biofuels by 2030 (today it has 11.3 billion liters). In Brazil, we skidded by about 6 billion liters in 2022.
The production growth projection comes from the fact that B20 is simply not enough for many commitments made by large companies and transport sectors, in addition to the demand for the product for domestic heating.
In maritime transport, mixtures already revolve around B50 and B100. Many on and off-road engines already use B20, but there are successful experiences with B50 and B100.
Companies such as Caterpillar, John Deere and Cummins presented their vehicles that work with B20. I got to know the Volvo PepsiCo Logistics truck equipped with an innovative system and operated with B100.
The states of California, Washington and Oregon have their own more advanced mix adoption policies.
On January 24th, I participated in the panel “One world, many goals: a global perspective”, together with Fred Ghatala (Director of Carbon and Sustainability of Advanced Biofuels Canada), Kent Swisher (CEO of the North American Renderers Association) and moderation of J. Alan Weber (Founding Partner – MARC-IV).
I highlighted the pillars and objectives of our business group, highlighting the fact that it is the only company in South America with licensed technology to produce advanced biofuels.
We show the American market the quality of our product and our raw materials with certifications accepted in the United States, which enables us to export our product.
The diversity of raw materials is also a differential for Brazil. BSBIOS produces biofuels from vegetable oils, animal fat and used cooking oil.
In a recent investment announcement for an ethanol and bran production plant, the raw material to be adopted will come from the processing of cereals such as corn, wheat, triticale, rice, sorghum, among others.
Integration in South America
These examples should inspire South America to define common regulatory frameworks that ensure the advancement of investments in biofuels and in scientific and technological research so that countries fulfill the decarbonization commitments assumed in the Paris Agreement, taking advantage of the capabilities of their agricultural chains .
The theme is part of the Manifesto in Defense of Biofuels signed by South American associations representing the sector.
With the same specifications and regulatory frameworks for biofuels, it would be easier to establish investment plans and promote the continental integration of trade in the Americas as a whole.
As a starting point, I hope that we can organize this action in the region due to the need to produce the sustainable fuel demanded by the aviation sector.
It will be very important to take advantage of this moment to express the firm conviction that it is essential that all South American governments comprehensively promote the energy transition strategy for the development of the sector, both for vehicular and air transport, river and sea.
European Union industry joint statement: CO₂ regulation for heavy-duty vehicles should recognize decarbonisation potential of sustainable and renewable fuels

European industry, including fuel and automotive suppliers, vehicle manufacturers, dealers, repairers and transporters, has requested in an open letter that the European Commission review the CO₂ Regulation for Heavy Vehicles (HDVs) recognizing the decarbonisation potential of sustainable and renewable fuels. Heavy transport is a vital sector for the functioning of the internal market and an adequate regulatory framework should support the development of clean vehicles using different technologies and fuels. “Decarbonization is an immediate challenge and all options that can have a quick impact need to be enabled”, highlights the document.
Read more here.