Omega Green is our new and very bold step towards launching the first advanced biofuel plant in the southern hemisphere and thus solving one of humanity’s biggest problems. With this plant the ECB Group will produce the next generation biofuels.
As I already mentioned in a previous post, HVO and SPK are advanced biofuels that provide sustainable solutions for a planet that must reduce its CO2 emissions in all transport modal. They are an important step in the search for the 21st century sustainable fuel.
Omega Green is our new and very bold step towards launching the first advanced biofuel plant in the southern hemisphere and thus solving one of humanity’s biggest problems. With this plant the ECB Group will produce the next generation biofuels. As I already mention in a previous post, HVO and SPK are advanced biofuels that provide sustainable solutions for a planet that must reduce its CO2 emissions in all transport modal. They are an important step in the search for the 21st century sustainable fuel.
Omega Green, the plant which will be built in Paraguay, will produce 20,000 barrels per day of HVO and SPK, starting in 2023. It is our commitment for the sustainable mobility that the whole planet needs. The US $ 800 million investment in this advanced biofuel plant is one of the most important already made in the country. The production method uses hydrogen-treated fatty residues and vegetable oils to make biofuels with reduced CO2 emissions during production as well as in its use.
On land and in the air
We will produce biofuels that are suitable for any means of transport. Among them, SPK, which is especially for air transport, a modal that alone contributes from 3% to 4% of global annual CO2 emissions.
The aviation sector has done little or almost nothing to reduce its greenhouse gases emissions so far and will need to work hard to develop new technologies to comply with the target of 50% less emissions by 2050. The launch of a new fuel that can be used without the need of engine adaptions should play a particularly important role in this segment of transport.
Omega Green is not just a project that will provide a solution for a more sustainable mobility by using biofuels that significantly reduces greenhouse gas emissions. It goes beyond that adding to the development of communities that make raw materials in the region that will be even more important for the economic recovery after overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic. On the top of that we are making a strategic alliance with Paraguay, a country that will occupy a relevant place among major biofuel producers.
Paraguay will also benefit from employment generation. The complex will generate more than 3,000 direct jobs during construction and some 2,400 jobs, direct and indirect, once operational. An intense training program will help prepare a new force of Paraguayan professionals for biofuel industry. We will be a driving force for local sustainable development.
We will focus on environmental and social traceability with totally clean and socially sustainable processes. We will be together in each step of this important project.
1 comment
Boa tarde Sr. Erasmo, tive uma enorme satisfação em conhece-lo e outros profissionais de sua equipe na BSBIOS em Passo Fundo em 2018.Venho aqui o parabenizar pela criação desse meio de publicação de artigos e postagens sobre combustíveis avançados. Sou admirador de seu trabalho e tenho acompanhado o senhor algum tempo desde a fundação da BSBIOS em 2005. Desde o ano passado tenho lido notícias referente a criação do revolucionário projeto OMEGA GREEN, projeto de biocombustíveis inédito no hemisfério sul. Fico imensamente feliz que projetos sustentáveis como o seu e de sua talentosa equipe estejam em evidência. Digo isso, porque tive o prazer de estudar durante muito tempo sobre bioquerosene de aviação em meu período de doutoramento na UFRJ no Rio de Janeiro. É indubitável que o processo de produção HVO e SPK são excelentes alternativas de biocombustíveis, visando a substituição parcial ou integral do combustível fósseis diesel e querosene de aviação. Novamente, congratulo você e sua equipe pelo projeto pioneiro.