About the author: leadership and insights on advanced biofuels

by Erasmo Carlos Battistella

Erasmo Carlos Battistella is one of the most influential entrepreneurs in the Brazilian agribusiness sector, a reference in bioenergy, and a leader in biodiesel production. Outstanding among a new generation of Brazilian business leaders, he has the commitment to sustainable development and ethics as fundamental values.

The entrepreneurial spirit, the passion for innovation and the commitment to the development of a sustainable and clean economy are the hallmarks of his business project that led him to direct his investments to a sector that is still in its early days in Brazil.

He founded BSBIOS on April 15, 2005, to produce biodiesel in a modern plant strategically located in the municipality of Passo Fundo, in the southern Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, a region with a large production of animal fat, soy, and canola, the main sources of raw material for the biodiesel industry.

Another important moment in his history was the joint venture signed with Petrobrás Biocombustível (PBio) in November 2009, which involved 50% of BSBIOS. Soon after, the new plant was launched in Marinalva (PR).

With it, BSBIOS has become one of the three largest biodiesel producers in Brazil, according to data published by the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). It was the first company to export biodiesel. It maintains commercial relations with 32 countries.

With the new plant, BSBIOS has become one of the three largest biodiesel producers in the country, according to the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP). It was the first company to export biodiesel. It maintains commercial relations with 32 countries.

Battistella is also the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Association of Biofuel Producers of Brazil (APROBIO), which allows him to lead the debate about the issues of the sector and to contribute with the development of a national biofuel policy.
His most recent business project involves the highest advanced biotechnology.

With an estimated investment of US $ 800 million he will launch a mega-complex to produce renewable diesel HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil) in Paraguay. Omega Green, as he named it, will be the first second-generation renewable fuel plant in the Southern Hemisphere.
The largest part of the production will be exported to nations that are signatories of the Paris Agreement, the commitment to accelerate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the substitution of fossil fuels.

With a biography intertwined with the essence of the development of green fuel in Brazil, there is no better way for Erasmo Carlos Battistella to share his experience than this new communication channel, promoting the benefits of environmental and health initiatives, as well as stimulating the production of biofuel, which generates more jobs, more investment, benefits to farmers and his families, new research and added value for the economy, additionally reducing the imports of fossil diesel.

4 comment

Luiz Francisco Schmidt 21 de May de 2020 - 22:28

Conheci o Erasmo Batistella num momento difícil de uma empresa de minha cidade. Pessoa extremamente afável e que analisa antecipadamente e com profundidade cada passo de sua empresa, gerando em quem com ele negocia a confiança no êxito da jornada. Participei de reunião entre o Presidente Abdo, do Paraguay, ministros do vizinho país e pude perceber que por sua seriedade, conhecimento e humildade é reverenciado por todos que o conhecem. Seu sucesso é fruto de muito trabalho mas faz questão de ressaltar que o mérito é da equipe toda. O Brasil agradece a esta plêiade de jovens líderes.

Erasmo Carlos Battistella 22 de May de 2020 - 14:13

Obrigado Luiz pela mensagem. Vamos refletir juntos sobre estes e outros desafios futuros.
Grande abraço,

Paulo Michelucci 24 de June de 2020 - 18:03

Nestes muitos anos de minha vida – lá se vão setenta – conheci, convivi e trabalhei com homens e mulheres “especiais”! Indivíduos que nasceram para fazer a diferença, perseverantes e movidos por desafios:
O Erasmo Carlos Batistella é um daqueles que denomino de “especiais”!
Parabéns Erasmo e muito sucesso nesta nova empreitada!

Adelchi Colnaghi 3 de July de 2020 - 14:38

Ao atuar na concepção arquitetônica da planta original da BSBIOS, tive o privilégio de conhecer o Erasmo Batistella dentre outros colaboradores daquela iniciativa pioneira. Ao trabalhar com ele e seu grupo, na época, tive a oportunidade de compartilhar de uma etapa embrionária daquele projeto que hoje referencia a bioenergia no país. Sinceros aplausos a sua brilhante e competente trajetória!


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