On the morning of this Monday (20/06) I participated in the signing event of the Protocol of Intentions with the presence of the State Governor, Ranolfo Vieira Júnior, the Secretary of State for Economic Development, Joel Maraschin, and the Undersecretary of State Revenue, Ricardo Neves Pereira, to establish articulated actions to enable the investment of R$ 316 million in the first phase of implantation of a plant unit producing ethanol and bran from the processing of cereals (corn, wheat, triticale, rice, sorghum, among others ). We thus reinforce our strategy of being one of the most important companies in biofuels
Rio Grande do Sul is an ethanol importing state and we, who are in the production chain, with this investment, will expand our biofuel production capacity here in the South Region, adhering to Pro-Ethanol. Currently, the state imports 99% of its ethanol demand and the new plant, as of 2027, will supply 23% of this need.
The initiative will represent an increase in the supply of bran for the animal protein production chains, in addition to promoting investment in the development of genetic technology for the production of specific wheat for the production of ethanol and being a viable income opportunity for the farmer with the crop. of winter cereals. Investments will be made in the second quarter of 2023, with operations expected to start in the second half of 2024.
The Protocol establishes tax treatments in relation to ICMS for acquisitions from suppliers located in Rio Grande do Sul of industrial machinery and equipment and imports of industrial machinery and equipment from abroad. As of now, the company is moving forward to finalize all the necessary studies, engineering projects and the financing structure for the plant to start operating in the 2024 wheat harvest.
“The issue of renewable energy dialogues, without a doubt, with what we think in terms of what we want to have here in Rio Grande do Sul. We have an immense potential for the production of ethanol – the internal demand reaches 1 billion liters per year. The state government has been consolidating its commitment to the expansion of production. Initiatives such as today, signed through this Memorandum of Understanding with BSBIOS, are essential for this space to be used. With this state policy (Pro -Ethanol), built to surpass governments, we seek the self-sufficiency of ethanol production.
Ranolfo Vieira Júnior, State Governor, in speech at the signing of the Protocol of Intent
In the coming days, a Protocol of Intent will also be signed with the Municipality of Passo Fundo.
Our initiative will be in the context of the State Policy to Stimulate the Production of Ethanol (PL 292/20), which created the State Program for the Development of the Ethanol Production Chain (Pro-Etanol). Its objective is to reduce Rio Grande do Sul’s dependence on ethanol from other regions of the country. This will allow the organization to join the Operation Company Fund of the State of Rio Grande do Sul (FUNDOPEM) and the Rio Grande do Sul Industrial Development Harmonization Program (INTEGRAR).
Planned to operate in two phases, with processing of 750 tons/day of cereals in 2024, and 1,500 tons/day in 2027, the project totals an investment of BRL 556 million in the period. The enterprise should represent an increase of R$ 1.3 billion in annual revenue for the ECB Group, and will generate 143 new direct jobs and approximately 1,000 indirect ones.
The plant will be flexible for the production of anhydrous ethanol (which can be added to gasoline) or hydrated (direct consumption), will have a capacity of 111 million liters in its first phase and will reach 220 million liters, doubling its capacity when fully installed. . It will be located in the city of Passo Fundo, on BR 285, Km 316.
The unit will have self-production of electricity with biomass cogeneration and the supply of surplus energy will be made available in the municipality’s distribution network. There will be no release of liquid effluents, which will be used to produce steam in the production process.
Animal Protein Chain
BSBIOS will also offer the bran from ethanol production to the market. Known as DDGS (Distiller’s Dried Grains with Solubles) or Distillery Dry Grains with Solubles (in Portuguese), obtained immediately after the fermentation process of ethanol production, it is an important co-product of the grain fermentation process, with great potential for use for production of animal feed for the food production chain. 155 million tons per year of bran will be produced for the animal protein chain in the second phase of the project.
As the region has low conditions to use sugarcane as a raw material, the new factory will process 260 thousand tons of cereals per year for the production of ethanol and bran. Rio Grande do Sul and Paraná share the leadership of grain production and the ethanol industry will expand winter crops.
We created a partnership with Embrapa-Trigo (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation) to produce new materials. They already have wheat and triticale (winter cereal used in animal feed) in their portfolio with extremely interesting concentrations of starch for ethanol production.
Genetical enhancement
Another partnership will be with Biotrigo Genética, a leading wheat genetic improvement company in Latin America. The company is working on the genetic development of two unique wheat cultivars for ethanol production. The varieties, for having high levels of starch, are ideal for the production of biofuel.
The wheat cultivars licensed to BSBIOS are the result of research developed since 2015 within the Biotrigo genetic improvement program, having as premises important characteristics for the production of ethanol, as well as for the production of DDG, an important ally in animal feed.
3 comment
Parabéns por mais este projeto, com certeza no futuro os produtores rurais e o consumidor colhera os frutos desse empreendimento.
Grande iniciativa, compensando “importação” do etanol, geração de uma cadeia de oportunidades de emprego e renda e uma nova alternativa no Estado para a produção animal, através do aproveitamento na formulação de farelo para a alimentação de animais nas indústrias já existentes.
Parabéns Erasmo. Mais uma fase diferente na cadeia de biocombustíveis no teu portfólio.